I've been on a quest the last couple of weeks to get me a pair of the must-have shoe of the season - the metallic sandal. And to be even more specific, I was searching for a matte gold (not super shiny and cheap looking) with a toe-baring t-front (sort of a paired down gladiator.) Wouldn't seem too hard to find this of-the-moment shoe, that is, unless you're a size 10 1/2 like me. It is almost impossible to find a great shoe under $300 that comes in a size 10 1/2, let alone a size 11. Believe me, I wish I could wear a knock-off designer style from Nine West and save a few bucks. And luckily for my husband (and my bank account) my delicate, slender size 10 1/2 feet do not fit in the iconic Sex in the City Jimmy Choos. Now I know the frustrations a transvestite must go through to look chic! Even back in first grade, I remember my sandal strap breaking on the playground and having to borrow my teacher, Ms. Wood's size 8 Doctor Scholls (and they fit!)
Fortunately as an adult, I've always had great luck with Sigerson Morrison every since they opened their fabulous Nolita shop back in the 90's. To this day, I still have a few pairs of their coveted shoes (in a size 10 1/2, thank you) that are still stylish and have stood the test of time (and wear.) Listen up all you transvestites out there, Sigerson Morrison is one of the few labels that makes chic shoes in a comfy size 10 1/2 and even an 11! Yeah! Their shoes fit me like Cinderella's glass slipper - perfect! After looking high and low, from Barney's to J. Crew to Shopbop.com, desperate to find a single metallic sandal that comes in my size, let alone one that I actually like and can afford (I was so desperate, I was willing to shell out 400 bucks for a shoe I"ll maybe only wear 6 months out of the year.) Low and behold, I found a size 10 1/2 pair of metallic Sigerson Morrison sandals in stock and actually on sale - whoopie! I did, however, have to give up on my mission for a matte gold sandal and settled for the available matte silver version, but beggars can't be choosers. As much as I love the new Sigerson Morrison store in Malibu, I was happy to find the same shoe on sale at Barney's in Beverly Hills.
But if you're fortunate to have a normal size foot, your options are endless in the metallic sandal trend. Some of my favorites that I wished came in my size were found online at shopbop.com, revolveclothing.com, barefoottess.com, and jcrew.com - from simplified metallic t-backs to strappy gladiators to be-jeweled thongs, there's a lot of choices (and price options) out there. So it's time to stow away my favorite Havaianas and dress up those feet of mine for Summer with a fresh pedi and my new fabulous silver beaded Sigerson's!